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Hi, I'm Natalie.

And I've been where you are right now...

Feeling overwhelmed by life and sick of making it all look so easy. I know what it's like to realize that as much as you wish you could "do it all yourself," there comes that point in the journey where we realize we need (or want!) help.

I want to tell you something. Help is here, and...

You don't have to go at it alone.

If you're anything like me, you were the kid in class who did the whole group project, the sibling who tried to make everyone get along and the employee who took on extra work even when exhausted and overworked.

It might feel strange to seek support but...

Trust me, you deserve it.

Not because you've worked so hard that you've earned it (though I'm sure you have!) No, because joy is your birthright. And it's your turn to feel supported, nourished and guided toward inner peace and joy.

The answers that you seek are inside of you.
All that's missing is the supportive environment needed to draw on your internal wisdom and strength.

My practice at-a-glance

Bachelor of Arts


University of San Francisco,



Master of Arts

Counseling Psychology

Sofia University, 2013






LGBTQIA+ Affirmative

Culturally Responsive


Natalie Moore, M.A., LMFT



Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist











  • 6-Month Somatic Psychology Training Group

  • The Body Keeps the Score Trauma Conference

  • Trauma-Focused CBT Training

  • IFS Day-Long Training with Richard Schwartz, PhD

  • Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing


Individual Therapy

Therapist Group Coaching

Therapist 1:1 Coaching


Corporate Consulting

Corporate Wellness



How it got started:

The practice name symbolizes what I aim to create.

A healing space where people can come to focus on their growth -- whatever that may mean to them. Just like a plant needs sun, water and ample space to grow, humans need the time, space and supportive relationships to thrive.

How do I know what's needed?

I've had spaces of my own to grow

I've been fortunate enough to have my own sacred growth spaces, whether that be in therapists' offices, a meditation studio, a retreat or in nature. I am the person I am today because of supportive mentorship at the right place and time.

This is really just me passing the torch and...

Living the dream one day at a time

When I started my practice in 2015, I had a vision. Not only of helping my clients create their dream lives but also creating and modeling my own dream life. It's still a work-in-progress, but I never regret taking the leap of faith to start this practice.

My practice's guiding values


I believe that all humans have a natural impulse toward and ability for growth. Even if you don't think you "made progress this week"-- you're growing.


I respect that you are on your unique journey. I will honor your wishes even if at times I don't fully understand them. Ultimately you are in charge of you.


You are whole and not broken. Therefore you don't need to be fixed or even pieced together. My role is to help you honor and love all the parts of you.


Your mind, body and spirit are inter-connected, and healing cannot address one without the others. We are also connected to humanity and the planet.


Bringing a non-judgmental awareness to the present moment is at the core of everything I do as a human, a therapist and a business owner.


Everyone is deserving of equal access to healing and respect. This practice is open to all people regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, race, ability and SES.

That time I was an unpaid therapist

As fa​r back as I can remember, my friends would ask me for advice. I even seemed to attract the emotionally needy kids as friends.


Without realizing it, I was getting my earliest training as a therapist, practicing empathy, compassion and problem-solving.

That time I kinda followed in my dad's footsteps

My dad is a therapist so most people assume I "followed in his footsteps." Interestingly enough, therapy was a second career for him, and we developed an interest in psychology around the same time.


He was in grad school and I was taking AP psych at my high school. We had some great convos, mostly about the dysfunction within our own family.

That time I left a bad relationship

It's a common refrain. People go into grad school for counseling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to save the world.


In the process of learning about unhealthy relationship dynamics they realize how messed up their own intimate relationship is and break up with their partner. Mine was really bad so I left in a hurry.

Want the whole story?

What goes into becoming a licensed therapist?

book lean_edited.jpg

Even though this is literally an "about me" page

It's not about me, it's about you

All of this stuff about my qualifications? It's so you know that I have what it takes to help you. All about my values? It's so that you feel we are aligned in how we view the healing process. And my history? So you can see if I can relate to you.

So let go of everything you've learned about me, and

Check in with yourself

A "gut check" can go a long way. Are you feeling a vibe? Are you feeling seen, heard and understood in your struggles and dreams? If so, I encourage you to sit with the emotions that are coming up. You might be feeling hope, excitement and anxiety.

It's normal to have mixed feelings

Once you're ready, take action

Nothing changes unless you do. But you don't need to change your life in a day. All you need to do is take the next right step. If that next right step feels like scheduling your free no-pressure call, you can click the button below. I look forward to hearing from you!

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